Symbolic Sponsorship

How Symbolic Sponsorship Works

When you symbolically sponsor one of our chimpanzees, your generous contribution will directly support the well-being of your sponsored chimpanzee, helping us provide nutritious food, specialized medical care, medicine, and a safe, enriching environment designed to meet their needs.

What you will get when you sponsor one of our chimps:

  • A personalized Sponsorship Certificate of your chosen chimpanzee/primate
  • A biography of your chimpanzee/primate, including the circumstances of how they came to the sanctuary
  • A recent downloadable picture of your new friend for you to use as a computer wallpaper or to display.
  • Email updates of your sponsored chimpanzee/primate

Cal's History

Cal is one of the youngest rescues JACK is caring for.  He was deeply traumatized when he arrived and his story is heartbreaking. 

With the help, protection, and love of ‘big sister’ Linda, Cal has blossomed into a confident, strong, and happy chimp.

He has grown so much along with his confidence.  His antics make him a joy to be around.  

Please consider symbolically sponsoring Cal because he will need lots of care throughout his growing years.

Make a Recurring Donation