our vision is to bring our rescued chimpanzees back to the wild

The project will establish a new sanctuary in the vicinity of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. This exciting partnership will allow JACK SANCTUARY to establish a new island sanctuary to provide a primary forest home for up to 120 chimpanzees rescued from the illegal wildlife trade.
It is with great honor that we announce an incredible news.
Since its foundation in 2006, J.A.C.K. has never ceased to fight the trafficking of chimpanzees and other endangered primates, brutally uprooted from their natural habitat to be sold outside the DRC. The direct consequence of such challenge is the constant, massive arrival of orphaned primates demanding ever more care, attention and space. Currently 180 primates are housed at the J.A.C.K. Sanctuary, on the verge of saturation, compromising our mission to save more and end trafficking.
The creation of a new sanctuary on an island located just off the shores of Kisangani, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our new partner QATO FOUNDATION and in collaboration with PASA , will allow us to realize our most cherished dream by offering these victims a safe forest like a paradise on earth.
The aim is threefold: to relieve congestion at the sanctuary, to continue the fight against the trafficking raging in this part of the DRC, and to reintroduce these animals to their native forest.
chimpanzees are DISAppearing from the wild
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified chimpanzees and some endemic primate species of the DRC as endangered on its red list of threatened species.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is the third country in the world with the highest diversity of primates and the first in Africa. Moreover, the DR Congo is among the four countries in the world (together with Brazil, Madagascar and Indonesia) to have 65% of all primate species.
Unfortunately, 2/3 of the primates living in these countries are facing extinction. Some endemic and fully protected monkey species are increasingly vulnerable and their populations are disappearing due to illegal wildlife trafficking, habitat loss and climate change.

Understanding The illegal wildlife trade
Interview with JACK Primate Sanctuary
Friends of JPS – Our story
Bunia: Story of one of our rescues
Interview with JACK Primate Sanctuary
Friends of JPS – Our story