a sanctuary was created to support the Vision to get them back into the wild

About the sanctuary
Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga (J.A.C.K.) started in 2006 in Lubumbashi, DRC. At first, the sanctuary aimed to take in the chimpanzees confiscated by law and, since 2021, J.A.C.K. has become a multi-primate- species rehabilitation center to offer a safe place to the so many confiscated primates in need of love and a safe place to stay.
J.A.C.K. is a haven of peace where over a hundred primates confiscated and rescued by environmental authorities are rehabilitated with a view to one day returning to the forest.
However, with Congolese population growth soaring, our forests are being emptied on a daily basis to meet the demand for resources. Sadly, it is to be feared that, in just a few decades’ time, our beautiful forests will be literally empty, and that J.A.C.K. will become one of the last bastions where all these species will still be able to live in peace.

About the founders
The Centre was created by two primate lovers, Franck & Roxane Chantereau, who run the sanctuary as volunteers in addition to their professional lives.
Franck is a French man. He grew up in France and Spain and, since his very young age, he wanted to save gorillas and chimpanzees.
Roxane is Belgian and she was born in the DRCongo formely called Zaïre. Her family settled in this part of Africa in 1898. Franck and Roxane’s children are the fifth generation of her family living in the South of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
About the team
Several keepers, head of site, people in charge of the kitchen, surrogate moms and dads… A team motivated to give the best to all these orphans, with a distinction between the great ape team and the small primate team, who don’t mix for reasons of hygiene and zoos.

About the veterinary
Calvin Kupungu is our veterinarian responsible for the day-to-day health of each JACK Sanctuary resident. Not only does he provide the necessary veterinary care, but he also monitors the diet of each group of primates and carries out basic laboratory analyses.
About the rangers
JACK Primate Sanctuaries is an I.C.C.N. partner since 2008 and after the Founders faced arsons and different threats, it was decided in 2013 that 2 (sometimes 3!) armed I.C.C.N. Rangers would secure the complex day and night.

Linda Lanzl’s first trip to the DRC was in July 2022 when she visited the sanctuary and Franck and Roxane Chantereau for the first time. Since then, Linda has committed to supporting the sanctuary and all of it’s rescues by founding and creating the US partnership “Friends of JACK Primate Sanctuary”.
The mission of the 501(c)(3) is to raise awareness for the plight of wildlife in the DRC, help combat illegal wildlife trafficking and support and fund the rescue efforts of the sanctuary.
Linda considers Franck and Roxane like family and her dedication to them and all of the rescued animals at the sanctuary knows no bounds.

Dani Faura
Social Media Director

Sammy Hartery
Sr Marketing Strategist

Dana Esp
Social Media, writer

Ricky Naude
Grant writer

Tom Pattie
Sr Video editor